Refresh Your Mind, Renew Your Space: A Guide to Mental Spring Cleaning

Decluttering and curating aren't just reserved for physical spaces. If you've ever witnessed the transformation of a room by an interior designer, you know the profound sense of relief that comes with seeing clutter disappear and space become more organized. In short, organizing your physical space can significantly impact your mental wellbeing

However, what if I told you that your THOUGHTS must undergo a similar process of purging, cleaning, and organizing? It's true! And in this guide, I'll show you how to get started.

This guide merely skims the surface of a very complex topic. I offer a glimpse into my practices in mental decluttering and wellbeing. They are not intended as quick-fix solutions but stem from my personal experience and a genuine commitment to the principles discussed. I find the intersection between wellness and our built environment fascinating. The practices and techniques highlighted in this blog are ones that I actively incorporate into my own life.

I hope this guide is a starting point for your journey toward clarity and inner harmony. Transformation takes time, patience, and dedication. So, as you navigate the path ahead, may you find inspiration and encouragement in pursuing a balanced and fulfilling life.


Every day, your mind processes around 60,000 thoughts, about 95% of which are the same as the ones you had yesterday. Unfortunately, many of these thoughts may be negative, turning our minds into breeding grounds for relentless negativity. Not ideal.

To embark on a journey of mental Spring cleaning, we must first acknowledge the need to declutter our minds. Just as we declutter a room, we need to remove the trash from our minds. While meditation and deep breathing are excellent for clearing the mind, it's essential to incorporate them into your daily routine, even if just for a few minutes a day.

If your mental Spring cleaning requires more assistance than meditation can provide, consider seeking the care of a licensed therapist. I've worked with therapists a few times, and they have been invaluable to my life.


Since we can't stop our minds from wandering, we need to find positive thoughts to replace each negative one, much like in the realm of interior design, every element within a space contributes to its overall ambiance and mood. Similarly, the thoughts we cultivate in our minds shape our emotional landscape and color our perception of the world around us. Your thoughts create your emotions. Instead of dwelling on challenges or setbacks, we can choose to view them as opportunities for growth and learning. Try re-framing a challenging situation. It could sound like this:

"This situation is challenging, and that's okay. How will I find a solution easily?"

It's unrealistic to expect 24/7 positivity, but we have more control over our emotions than we realize. Scrub those negative thoughts and flip them around to create a healthier mindset.


Organization is key to finding clarity amid chaos and creating functional and harmonious spaces. We can learn to differentiate between facts and feelings to achieve mental clarity and regain control, like distinguishing between functional and decorative elements in a room.

Feeling overwhelmed doesn't mean you're buried under tasks; it's simply an emotion was triggered by negative thoughts. Don't let mental clutter weigh you down. By purging, cleaning, and organizing your thoughts, you'll create a space for peace of mind to flourish in your mind and your home.


Creativity is paramount to cultivating inspiration and innovation in the world of interior design. Designers constantly seek inspiration from diverse sources, blending elements from different styles and eras to create unique and captivating spaces. Similarly, nurturing creativity in our minds can lead to innovative solutions and fresh perspectives on life's challenges.

As a creative person, I've learned that I must expose myself to new experiences, ideas, and perspectives to foster my creativity. Last Summer, I realized the creative slump I was in as an interior designer and an artist. I had not made art with any regularity for years. With the help of the book "The Artists Way by Julia Cameron, I learned about artist dates and started to integrate more visits to art galleries, explore nature, and engage with novel experiences more often to spark my inspiration and the desire to engage in art making, dancing, and writing.

Nurturing your creativity is not only for artists or interior designers. It's healthy and stimulating for everyone; everyone is born with inherent creativity that takes infinite forms. Try experimenting with a new hobby, taking a spontaneous trip, or simply stepping outside your comfort zone and going to a new restaurant. Embracing creativity can infuse our lives with vitality and excitement. We can unlock new possibilities and reimagine our lives with greater joy and fulfillment.

Just as a well designed space reflects the personality and vision of the homeowner, a mind brimming with creativity can transform even the most mundane aspects of life into sources of beauty and wonder. So, as you embark on your journey of mental Spring cleaning, remember to nourish your creativity and let it guide you to new horizons of possibility and discovery.

We can maintain a sense of equilibrium and balance by acknowledging and accepting our emotions without becoming overwhelmed. In the dance between mind and environment, the parallels between mental Spring cleaning and interior design are striking. By embracing mindfulness practices, cultivating a positive mindset, and organizing our thoughts, we can create a sense of harmony and balance within ourselves and our surroundings. So, as you embark on your journey of mental Spring cleaning, remember we can take deliberate steps to take care of our emotions, clear away the trash, and organize our thoughts, ensuring that our mental space remains clutter-free and conducive to growth and well-being.

Happy Designing,



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